The great power of a Dutch language shower

Have you ever wondered how to feel more confident while speaking Dutch? One thing will certainly help. If you could expand your Dutch vocabulary fast, it will be easier for you to understand much more and... it is very likely that then you can also express yourself a lot better! 

This is  why expanding your Dutch vocabulary should be one of the most important things to focus on once you have decided to bring your Dutch to a whole new level. A much bigger Dutch vocabulary sounds like a great goal, right? There is only one question... How do you learn new Dutch fast? 

What is your first idea when you think of learning new Dutch words? If you think in a traditional way, then your solution is very simple. Just take a list with some useful words and simply start to memorize them. This is at least how it works in most language methods. Just take let's say 20 words about a certain topic - like the weather for example - and then when you do it often enough, then probably one day you'll speak fluent Dutch. 

If you think in a more advanced way, you may like the usage of flash cards. Write the Dutch word on one side, the English translation on the other side and then if you use hundreds of them, one day your vocabulary shoulld be big enough to feel confident. 

Oops.... do you study too much? 

Although these techniques may  work to a certain degree, there is one problem that most people overlook.  Chances are high that when it comes to expanding your Dutch vocabulary, you study and memorize too much and this paradoxically can slow down your learning big time. 

Here is a simple question... How do you react when you see new Dutch words for the first time? Do you feel excitement or does somehow a negative feeling come up? Here is what too many people think... O no! Another word that I need to remember! On top of it, it is so hard to pronounce! This will make things only worse, because I am having a hard time learning Dutch anyway :( 

Yes... these thoughts that may come up when seeing new words may make perfect sense, but.... does it really help? Does it allow you to expand your Dutch vocabulary at a very high speed? The answer to this question is obviously nee, no..... 

One thing that makes all the difference is simply this: how you react when you see new words for the first time. If you feel excited and curious and inspired, then you are on the right track, but... for most cases this is not case. 

You may be learning a a low pace without realizing it

Here is one big problem, certainly when you learned a foreign language at school in the past. Results are normally measured by tests and exams. The quicker you pass these tests or exams, the sooner you'll get a highly desired diploma or certificate,  that should represent the ultimate evidence of your succes.... 

So here is the thing that often happens. What would you like to see if you really want to pass an exam or a test? Many people believe that the more you  have to learn, the more difficult it will be to pass a test. So what is it that most people do? Somhow, they think that if they reduce the amount of information that they have to learn, the easier it will be to pass a test. That is why many people are not that excited when they see or hear new Dutch words for the first time. Instead of feeling excited about it, many people just start to worry that it only makes things far more difficult. 

But... here is another truth.... A language - no matter which language it is - always has countless words. The ways that you can express yourself in any language are always endless. This is actually good news,  because it means that you will have a lot of freedom anytime that you like to speak. The only thing that you may need to do is that you reconsider some learning strategies. 

Once again, if you like to expand your vocabulary fast, it is important that somehow you become very receptive. If you can feel excited and intrigued when you discover something new, it will certainly do the trick. Of course, if you think of all these new words that you need to learn, it may look and feel like a big wall, but if you could just some of the pictures that you have in your mind, it will certainly help.... 

What if you could imagine that instead of learning and memorizing like crazy, you could also take a Dutch language shower? It sounds and feels more refreshing, right? The principle is very easy... you just listen to Dutch and you just let the Dutch words wash your ears. Just let Dutch words come and go and see if you can relax. Even when you do not understand a thing, simply relax. Once again, do not worry on how you should remember all these incomprehensible sounds. Just let Dutch words come and go.... 

Just relax and you'll learn faster! 

Here is something that I noticed while working with a least 1000 students. Many people panic too soon whenever they think that things do not make sense. Sure, it might give you the idea that you are stupid and then no wonder that you like to stop. But.... if somehow you know how to have a great time while listening to these new words and sounds, some things will somehow change.... 

Actually the secret is quite simple. The short version is: Don't stop, always continue! When you listen to new Dutch words and sounds long enough, something will happen. Bit by bit things will start to make sense. In the beginning everything may sound like one massive piece of concrete, but within hours you'll discover that there are individual words that you can recognize and that somehow things gradually start to make much more sense! 

Seeing yourself taking a Dutch language shower and enjoying it is already a great step in the right direction and... there is much more. Just listening to anything in Dutch is not that powerful.... If you listen to normal Dutch on television for example, it will probably be to complicated and although you'll always learn something new, it will often not be enough. 

Many people believe that if you just learn new words, you'll automaticallly understand more and speak better, but unfortunately this is often not that true. You do not only need new words, you also need to understand certain constructions and you also need to understand a new way of thinking..

If you like, you could see every word or sentence construction as a new idea. On average people need to hear a new idea at least seven times. That is why taking a Dutch language shower is so powerful. While you relax, you can hear words and new constructions multiple times and somehow when you hear these things again and again, resistance naturally disappears and it will be easier for you to accept, learn an d apply new things. 

On top of this, there are many things that you can do, to make a Dutch language shower far more effective. One important secret is that if you add loads of entertainment and fun, it is a lot easier to open up. Then, when you combine it with certain interactions it will even more effective. Once you do not only listen, but actively use some of the things that you pick up, you can put it in your natural system and remember it for a long time. 

Taking a shower is an relaxing experience and learning could feel the same. Instead of trying to memore everything for a future exam, you just start to forget your worries and you focus on the here and now. You simply start to play with new things that you hear and see and you are having a good time. Many words simply come and go and yet something miraculous happens. All of a sudden you start to realize that somehow you have been able to remember loads of stuff! 

Many people confuse learning with harsh study. When you study, you tend to have a strong and harsh focus on only one thing, but... when you take a Dutch language shower, you simply open up. Words will come and go and you just let the words flow.

Don't just learn, really own it :

Contrary to what you may believe, just hearing words multiple times is not enough. It is important that somehow you hear the words in many different sentences and contexts and.... now comes the most important thing: somehow you need to own new words, you have to make them yours. It simply means that you start actually using words for yourself. Let's say for example that you like to learn the word lekker... Rationally you may understand that lekker means tasty and if you are smart enough you may also discover for yourself that you can also use it any time that something feels good. So now you can see when lekker could be relevant for you.... Is it een stroopwafel? The shining sun that you may only see for 5 minutes in the Netherlands? Bit by bit you give the word real meaning in  your life and then the word is simply yours.... 

The most important thing that you need to do if you like to learn new Dutch words fast, is that you simply open up. Don't feel intimidated if you see many new words.  There is one great thing that will happen if you take Dutch language showers long enough.... You'll start to learn in subconscious ways and you'll many more things that you could ever imagine. You'll learn new things about structure and... after some time somehow you'll start to undertand how the language really works. Once this happens, everything will be different. You'll hear new words and immediately guess the right meaning and once you can do this, one thing is certain: You will feel far more confident!