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Privacy Statement

Since the 25th of MAY 2018 there is a law AVG (Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming) in order

Talencoach / Dutch Flow Now  has started to collect data from people that download the free eBook and students since 2007. You can read here which information I save and how it is used:

The data that Talencoach collects:
Email and name of people that download the free eBook
Email and name of people that come to the free workshop Finding Dutch Flow
People that are on the mailing lists can easily unsubscribe at any time
For email Talencoach uses automatic systems of  enormail

From my students I may collect the following:
Name, address, company (if relevant), phone number
Information that is relevant for the courses, such as starting date and payment and previous participations

The purpose of data collection by Talencoach:
Administration for the courses
Information by email that also include tips about learning Dutch
Staying in touch with former students

Talencoach does not share any information with third partners.  All information is protected and not accessible by strangers.

Also topics that may come up during coaching sessions and trainings are strictly confidential

No cookies are used on my website