Why You Hate Learing Dutch & 7 Secrets To Change It
Have you ever noticed that somehow you can’t learn Dutch fast enough? All right then, pay attention! You are officially in the danger zone now. There is a golden rule that is very simple: when you have fun, you learn fast. When you don’t have fun, then learning is slow. Period. But… the worst thing still has to come… once you dislike learning something, then learning will go slower again and then, you will hate it even more. Can you see that there is a vicious circle here?
In 2008 a free eBook was published Why You Hated Learning Dutch & 7 Secrets To Change It. More than 10.000 people downloaded it. Now 5 years later, there is a new upgraded 2013 version, with a new design and some new insights. You can download it here for free, nada, niets! Gratis does not hurt anyone don’t you think?
If for any reason you notice that somehow you don’t like learning and speaking Dutch that much, then it would be a great idea to download this FREE eBook. You will notice that as a matter of fact it is so easy to dislike Dutch and that you may do it too, even if you are not aware of it… But, and this is the great news, once you apply the 7 secrets everything will be different.
One important secret already got revealed… have fun! So chances are high that you like the other secrets as well! Enjoy!